15 results

Analyze data from a weather station connected to ThingSpeak

Learn how to use MATLAB to create a cloud based people counter

Generate code optimized for BeagleBone Black.

Prototype Internet of Things applications using ThingSpeak and MATLAB

Generate and deploy code for NXP FRDM-K64F Board.



by Jorge

A simple example of how to read a Xively feed from MATLAB

Analyzing data from an instrumented soda machine connected to cloud server

Example code that forecasts astronomical tides and wind-driven water levels using neural networks

A Simulink library for communicating via the RF24 Mesh library

Use this app to simulate an IoT device and send the data to ThingSpeak

Open IoE Matlab client is developed using Matlab App Designer and Matlab programming. This application is used to interact with Open IoE Pla

ThingSpeak Bee Hive IOT - Channel ID: 813426 https://thingspeak.com/channels/813426

This code does analysis of a sample smart home IoT data.

These MATLAB classes make it easy for you to connect and control an OpenFlexure Microscope over a network.

read data from netatmo weather station