41 results

Acquire sensor and image data from your Raspberry Pi.

Test or Control Raspberry Pi IO pins with this Matlab GUI

Control a Raspberry Pi powered robot with MATLAB and Simulink

This blocks provide CAN communication feature using CAN Controller device MCP2515 via SPI.

This is a Processor-In-the-Loop implementation for Raspberry Pi

This submission enables serial communication between Arduino and Raspberry Pi in Simulink.

This package contains files necessary to build mobile robot that can travel along road and corridors

Use MATLAB to characterise the high precision AD/DA board for Raspberry Pi from Waveshare.

Simple EtherCAT Master Block SFunction for Raspberry Pi

Learn how to use Simulink to create a Raspberry Pi based gear defect detector

How to create, train simple network, integrate it into pre/post image processing and generate C code to run it on Raspberry Pi

This is simple utility for Raspberry Pi board LED testing

Examples showing how to run MATLAB code on Raspberry Pi Hardware.

Simulink Models to control a DC Motor with a Raspberry Pi.

Simple Digital Out SFunction example block showing how to use the WiringPi library

Files that were used in the webinar 'Raspberry Pi based security system using MATLAB and Simulink'

Interactive apps and Simulink models for numerical sciences and computer science

Python Code for Raspberry PI and AWS Connection of an HEV model

Contains C Mex files that are targeted to the Raspberry PI 3 for the purposes of flying a drone.

Simulation circuit of Raspberry PI and ThingSpeak

DC Motor Driver Block using Soft PWM of WiringPi Library

The MATLAB® code, images and CUDA® code referenced in the technical article.

Simple Soft PWM driver block example using WirngPi

Raspberry Pi SFunction to obtain MPU6050 data using the C-library WiringPiI2C.

Learn how to use Simulink to make a Raspberry Pi based theremin controlled by a green object.

Detect upright people using a raspberry pi, pi camera, and MATLAB. Demo file for video "Using a Raspberry Pi in MATLAB Online

A Simulink library for communicating via the RF24 Mesh library

This package includes MATLAB scripts that help you design a poker player using MATLAB, Deep Learning, and Raspberry Pi. The poker-playing al

Control a stepper and servo motor using a Raspberry Pi 3 via Simulink

9DOF S-function with MPU6050 and HMC5883L

The RPi can be used in a situation where a truck driver is worried about dozing off behind the wheel. Use RPi to alert the driver.

An app based on Simulink's Auto-rotate model. The LED matrix will show the direction in which the gravitation field is traveling

face detection and indicate face position with the help of led.

Files associated with Flying Ball and Hoop model we developed at FEE CTU in Prague.



by Shogo Muramatsu

Raspberry Pi Zero Rover with Camera

Demo files from "How to program a Raspberry Pi based WalkieTalkie using MATLAB and Simulink" webinar

Image Processing and Character Recognition System using Matlab and the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B.

Measure and record analog voltage measurements from a Raspberry Pi.

netHAT NXHAT52-RTE EtherCAT Slave Driver Block SFunction for Raspberry Pi

Performing Buoy Detection Using Simulink and deploying to a BeagleBoard: Code and Tutorial