15 results

Analyze data from a weather station connected to ThingSpeak

Learn how to use MATLAB to create a cloud based people counter

Generate code optimized for BeagleBone Black.

Prototype Internet of Things applications using ThingSpeak and MATLAB

Generate and deploy code for NXP FRDM-K64F Board.



by Jorge

A simple example of how to read a Xively feed from MATLAB

Analyzing data from an instrumented soda machine connected to cloud server

Example code that forecasts astronomical tides and wind-driven water levels using neural networks

A Simulink library for communicating via the RF24 Mesh library

Use this app to simulate an IoT device and send the data to ThingSpeak

ThingSpeak Bee Hive IOT - Channel ID: 813426 https://thingspeak.com/channels/813426

Open IoE Matlab client is developed using Matlab App Designer and Matlab programming. This application is used to interact with Open IoE Pla

This code does analysis of a sample smart home IoT data.

These MATLAB classes make it easy for you to connect and control an OpenFlexure Microscope over a network.

read data from netatmo weather station